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Friday, November 25, 2005

Sad day for me, had a tiff with mom.. and other issues to be sorted out too...taking a break from blogging as well...

6:30 PM

Friday, November 18, 2005

I feel lembik today. Sampai keje this morning, belum apa2 my bosses were already "chasing" me for some pending stuff...tak sempat nak buat hot drink or get something to eat. it was only around 11plus then i manage to get something to eat. by then i was already feeling a bit lightheaded. started wondering if i'm going to pengsan or wat? hahaha. nasib baik tak jadi pengsan :p lunchtime i didn't feel like going out in the hot sun, so just hang around in the office clearing the emails yg dah ter-feladed already *naikkan kening at awak2 yg guilty for felading mailbox saya pagi tadi* and today i decided to give myself a coffee treat after going coffee-less for almost 2 mths...tapi nak buat kopi pon malas and kept delaying sampai kul braper eh tadi baru buat..hehe..ni lah hari malas + unmotivated saya..

But despite my malas and unmotivated mood, i was moved by someone's immense appreciation just for one simple unsignificant line that i said to this person since this person was feeling down abt pekerjaannyer.. kesian dia, coz orgnyer baik and helpful tapi cuma kerjanyer tak sesuai utk dia so in the end dia terpaksa mencari kerja lain. all i said was "...but sometimes the job is not suitable for us and we are unable to give our best coz of that..i hope u'll find a better job that suits you :)" and the reply i got - "these words of yours are like precious gems to me. No one here has ever come close. Thanks for your encouragement, Ju. I will always remember this....." i was really moved by this person's immense appreciation for something so insignificant i said. see i told u org ni baik kan? in fact those who knew this person also agreed with me that this person is really nice and appreciative type, cuma sayangnyer perkerjaan yg dipilih tak sesuai ngan dia..whatever it is, i really hope semoga this person finds a much more better job tat brings out the best in this person.

Dad is also recuperating at home. But semalam mom brought him to the family doctor coz whole nite he was in pain and mom noticed some blood on his bandage as well. so as not to take any risk and be on the safe side, takut infection or jahitan terbukak balik or somethin..since dad couldn't keep still just after he was operated on. Luckily nothing serious but doctor said his wound a bit berair and cleansed it and changed the dressing and advised him to get the wound cleansed daily till it dries up. and also to monitor the area jgn sampai bernanah, or demam etc.

So its pliday already...lets see wats in store for the weekend. tomorrow hubby doing niteshift, and sebelah siangnyer will be going to one of his aunt's open house. Sunday blom plan apa2 lagi, except sebelah ptg/malam, 2 of my schoolmates said they are coming over our place...

4:40 PM

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Guess what! Dad is already discharged from hospital this afternoon. cepat kan? But he is on 20days MC now. He was wheeled into the operation theatre ard 4.45pm semalam..and came out ard 8.30pm.. mom and me was already feeling anxious and tired by then coz the surgery was only supposed to take 1 hr. later we found out, after dad was pushed into the op theatre, it was another good 1 hour before the surgery started, hmm..patut lah lambat. i was thinking dad might be groggy or still asleep when he was wheeled out of the theatre..but i was taken aback when he was trying to be chatty with us altho his lips looked pucat. he was even telling the nurse in the op theatre to quickly push him out coz his family is waiting outside for him, and when he saw us, he ask all of us dah makan ke belum. tengoklah dia lebih risaukan kita than himself. as soon as we reached his ward, dia cakap nak ask the doc to cabut the drip already and he wants to go hv a walk down and hv a cup of coffee..bleh gitu? when i ask him whether he feel any pain, he said no..but i saw him grimacing in pain when he tried to move his arm. i know he was trying his best to be his normal self and hide the pain as much as he can to prevent my mom from feeling upset..but ironically by doing that, he was actually making mom even more stressed..hehehe..sampaikan my mom told me "kau tolong marahkan bapak kau ni sikit" which i gladly did :p told dad if he's not going to keep still and rest, going to ask the nurse to ikat kaki tangan dia pat katil nanti :p then dad told us its getting late already, n we shld go home and rest and also coz he's worried abt the cats and my sis at home. yes my parents hv cats too - Snowy and a kitten named Mickey. and my dad seems to have become quite fond of the cats, cuddling and timang-ing them like babies every nite before he goes to sleep that it makes me wonder is he doing that coz we're still unable to give him a grandchild yet? :-/ its hard to imagine someone macho and fierce looking like dad going all soft goo gagaing with the cats at home. even my mom sampai sanggup belikan botol susu from the pet shop for Mickey recently coz dia tak pandai minum susu from the bowl yet. these are things which my parents never did before i got married... sigh..

Anyway before we left the hospital last nite, mom and dad were hugging each other, and giving each other pecks that i suddenly felt a little awkward and pretended to turn away and looked at something else..hehehe. mom was carressing dad's hair and telling him take care and just to call her at home if he can't sleep yet. the uncle at katil depan my dad tu tengok kan my parents je..hehe. but it warms my heart that mom and dad are still much in love with each other...dad sempat pesan to me "take care of mommy ok" before we left the hospital. see even in that condition, he's still thinking of mom's welfare first..makes me wonder how my own marriage will be as the years goes by...since hubby did niteshift yesterday, so i overnite at mom's place, sampai je rumah my parents jap lagi my dad dah kol my mom..tak leh tido lah tu..hehe...hai so sweet kan dorg, mengalahkan my hubby and me..kakakakakah! Will be going to visit dad with hubby tonite after work.

Earlier this afternoon, we had staff lunch at tepak sireh restaurant. tat was my 1st time eating there, must say the place looks quite grand. i wore a pink tudung to work today for the occasion and i like the colour and design a lot (was a birthday prezzie from a fren) but i dunno why i thot today i look darker than usual and wearing that pink tudung made me look even darker :-/ ni lah disadvantage kalau dark skinned, not all colours can match the skin..hehe.. and my skin colour lak leh tukar2 ni.. at times macam light brown, sometimes dark brown, maybe blood circulation tarak bagus ah. coz i remember one makcik urut who saw my toenails yg putih melepak macam org pakai white kaler nail polish and said my blood circulation tak bagus tats why like that..anyway enuff of my ramblings for today...sambung lagi di lain kesempatan..

6:33 PM

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

First of all, thanks so much for the birthday wishes last Friday. Terharu beta tau... 2 more yrs going to be 30 posen already...gosh!!! anyway tahun ni dapat manyak tudungs as prezzies...bermacam2 warna dan corak.. but i really appreciate it all. coz when it comes to tudungs, i think i can never have enuff of them :p

I'll be leaving work at 4plus today and heading for SGH. coz its dad's turn to be admitted this time. he needs to undergo surgery to stitch up the muscle tear around his shoulder/arm area this evening. At first i thot it might be a day surgery but he's expected to be admitted for abt 2-3days. Altho it might seem like a "minor" surgery, but mom was rather worried and kept talking on and on abt dad's upcoming surgery each time we chatted on the phone. ye lah ni first time in their almost 30yrs of marriage, that mom is seeing dad being admitted in hospital. Hope everything goes smoothly and dad has a speedy recovery.

3:25 PM

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I feel bad this morning. While ironing my baju at my mom's place, i accidentally burnt her ironing board..so there's a hole on the ironing board. Actually my baju also almost got burnt...the iron got overheated lah. so kena pet pot lah ngan mommy this morning. panas telinga seh...but tak disengajakan ape...

ironing board story aside, i'm quite happy that a few of hubby's frens and colleagues said he has put on a bit of weight. semalam hubby said that his fren told him "eh badan kau dah naik, bini kau kasi makan apa ah, makan dalcha hari2 eh?" kakakakah! kong asam tul..but since i see him everyday, i didn't notice it...altho his arm does feel a bit berisi. hubby has always been on the super slim side..and ditambah pulak with his youthful looks and small size, ppl always thot i'm older than him.. sedih kan? but its something that i've gotten used to hearing over the years lah.. mula2 kenal dulu, i would try to avoid wearing high heels when going out with him coz i'd look taller than him..but nowadays dah tak kisah tu sumer lah..kalau mood nak pakai kasut tinggi lai liao..pakai je.. at the most hubby would say, "wah ayang u look so tall today"...or "abg rasa macam abg pendek gitu hari ni" then he'd look at my shoes..hehe...anyway the last time i heard ppl saying that hubby was putting on weight was time kita baru kawin... tapi mmg betul coz when i look at his pics back then, he does look a little "chubby". not only him, my koligs also said i was putting on a lot of weight and thot i was pregnant then.. then after that we lost weight again..pastu naik balik, then turun lagi..dah macam main yoyo pulak :p

ok lah sambung lagi esok...today need to leave at 6.30pm on the dot since meeting an ex-kolig for our ritual yearly meeting every november...

6:21 PM

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Dah seminggu tak update blog, macam tak tahu mana nak start ni...so pls bear with me kalau entry macam takde jalan cerita..hehe

seperti tahun lepas, this year i did some cooking on raya pertama..baru masak 2 lauk dah macam nak patah pinggang..weak betol.. nasib baik mom helped me with the sambal goreng. i made rendang ayam and udang goreng rempah..then buat nasi minyak. Dah gitu aje. the day before dah buat agar2 fruit cocktail... so kira dah ok lah tu kan. kalau tak ok apa pulak kan :p actually i never bothered to cook before for raya.. no point kan since usually 1st day raya dulu, we'd go over to arwah MIL's place..makan puas2 pat sana..then off to my parents place..makan lagik pat sana...we'd have malay dishes at arwah MIL's place..then lauk pauk india pulak at my parent's place. But now, i know hubby will miss the dishes that arwahnyer usually cooks during 1st day raya such as her rendang, sayur lodeh, udang sambal.. so dari situ lah timbul semangat berkobar-kobar nak belajar camne nak masak lauk2 tu..terkial2 jugak first time blajar masak rendang tu tahun lepas..kejap2 tipon mommy tanya betol ke tak ni, apsal kaler lain macam etc..hehehe.. this yr at least dah ok sikit..cedebah!! meskipon my cooking is nothing compared to arwahnyer, sekurang2nyer its edible and made hubby happy.. so i'm happy also lor.. was also happy that one of my boss and his doter, kavitha and bf and one of my schoolmate manage to came over on 1st day raya..

oh ya.. hati ayahku sudah lembut berkaitan ngan sesuatu perkara that he was unhappy abt few mths back... so that really made this raya even more meaningful for both hubby and me :) Syukur kepada Allah swt kerana mendengar doa hambamu ini utk melembutkan hati ayahku..it was something that really moved me to tears when i think abt it...haizz..getting emotional again as usual...

raya tahun ni macam lebih meriah as compared to previous years...we made a pact to make sure we tried to visit seberapa banyak rumah sedara mara as we could this yr. since i didn't have sedara from my side, hubby's sedara is all we have so i thot we should maintain relationship with them and get to know them better.. alhamdulilah, they were really nice to us and seems happy bila kita datang mengunjung. Insya-Allah weekend nanti jalan raya lagi to a few more houses and also rumah kengkawan...

Hmm..so much abt raya stories..this few days i'm having pms i think!!! i'm feeling so grouchy lah.. and i kept worrying and thinking abt silly things again *sigh* sampai susah nak tido malam.. merepek rite? i know the things i worry abt is really silly sometimes but i just can't help it...and sometimes its also from the after-effects of some of the traumatising things i went thru sometime back... ish..

anyway enuff of my crap, makin cakap pasal ni, nanti makin stress pulak..hehe..dah lama tak citer pasal Chappee and Tweety eh? nak tahu perkembangan terbaru meka tak? they are now best of frens tau...chappee is quite fond of tweety now...actually now we've both ended up calling her sweety instead... maybe coz thats the original name given by my parents before we adopted her.. so now whenever sweety tido kan, chappee will jilat her bulu for her...awwww...so sweet rite? to think that when we first brought sweety home 5 mths back, chappee was like merajuk with us. hehe..

6:30 PM

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Macam cepat masa berlalu...rasa macam baru start berpuasa..and now Ramadhan akan berlalu pergi. This morning, beginning of the day je..my mood was already down coz of something.. bingit pun ada y everytime must be like that. pulak nari kan hari raya eve, i wanted to be in a happy mood..but as the day goes by, i guess i'll cheer up lah hopefully...

Will be spending the evening at mom's place and going back my own place later in the nite. Bila dgr takbir raya nanti..mesti air mata ni macam nak terkuar :( Terkenangkan org2 yg telah tiada, masa "berehat" utk mereka akan berakhir...

Anyway kepada semua teman2ku..ku ingin mengambil kesempatan ini utk mengucapkan Salam Aidilfitri & mohon ampun maaf sekiranyer ada terkasar bahasa, tersilap bicara, termoody tak tentu pasal ke etc..Maaf Zahir Batin.

Before i end this entry, just thot of sharing this hilarious sms which i received from a fren, see if u ladies can figure it out..hehe...coz i was literally scratching my head for a few mins wondering ni bahasa apa pulak ni...hehe...here it goes:

"Sir lump mud hurry rare year ideal fit tree moo lee year, ma half za hair bar ten. 2 loose dairy hearty young eek class...sorry i barroo bar leg dairy london."

Big Clue: its related to hari raya :P

11:59 AM

The Lady

A simple lady
Adore Cats

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The Past...

[goback] March 2005
[goback] April 2005
[goback] May 2005
[goback] June 2005
[goback] July 2005
[goback] August 2005
[goback] September 2005
[goback] October 2005
[goback] November 2005
[goback] December 2005
[goback] January 2006
[goback] February 2006
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