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Thursday, May 26, 2005

Somehow after being away from work for quite a few days (was on mc yesterday as well), it feels nice to be back in the office again...nope not the work...just missed using the computer, coz with this wonderful "companion", i'm able to surf the net, check emails, chat, blog hopped etc..hehehehe.

oh ya remember the spooky entry abt the tv last wed? now it has decided to go kaput for good. same thing, happened when i had ngaji lessons on fri nite again..but this time, i serik already, so i switch off the tv bila makcik reached my place. after that as i was mengaji-ing on my own, hubby couldn't switch on the tv again...after i was done, i tried to switch it on and it works..we both was beginning to find it a little funny. funny = kelakar seram. went out for our dinner and when we got back the tv has decided to kaput for good. so no tv for us at the moment now, need to send it for repair soon. a friend of mine told me that she read somewhere that the presence of these "things" can affect the electrical current and make electrical appliances go haywire. as tho tats not enuff, i still had to find out that some families staying on the lower floors pon "diganggu" and apparently the blok is kinda "keras" according to another fren. hopefully those "things" doesn't disturb us :-/

9:24 AM

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Dunno wat to blog about today. So let the pictures do the talking ya. For a start nak tengok gambar baby ganyut tak? nope? Nak tunjuk jugak..hehe. Thats me during the yester-years. Don't i look like a boy? lol and look at the hair macam roti bun pon ada..hehe.

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and thats chappee bertenggek atas sofa...and another one of him in a basket. got for him that big basket some mths back and that pic was taken on the first day i brought the basket home, chappee promptly went into the basket and made himself comfortable, contented sitting in there for hours. but now different story already, basket tu buat perhiasan je, kinda hard to make him sleep in the basket unless on those rare occasions ntah apa angin he will go and sleep inside it..hehe.

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Have a good long weekend ladies :)

8:13 AM

Friday, May 20, 2005

This is wat i had for breakfast today. So gelojoh rite? hehehe. Nope its not bistot marie this time, its just plain old crackers (but still in the bistot family also). i dunno why when it comes to biscuits for breakfast, i need to gobble up quite a lot to fill up this buncit tummy of mine..tapi ni buncit bukan buncit berisi...its buncit angin *sigh*

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2:27 AM

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Something spooky happened last nite. Actually this was the 2nd time. The first time it happened was abt 5 days back on a friday nite. But i didn't want to think too much abt it then so as not to scare myself unecessarily, coz i'm the biggest pengecot..hehe. Anyway that friday nite, i had ngaji lesson at my home. As usual the tv set in the living room was switched on altho nobody was watching it, i prefer having the tv set on at nite coz at least rumah tak sunyi sangat and nampak macam brighter/colourful sket hall tu, ya i know it sounds nonsensical, tak tau lah camne nak explain, but i just feel better leaving it switched on. But once my guru ngaji arrives i would lower down the tv volume to the minimum. then i'll sit at my usual spot and lesson begins. But that fri nite, halfway thru the lesson, makcik asked if i heard anything. I said no, and she just said "oh kau tak dengar apa2 eh". Lesson continues, I didn't even ask her why she asked me that, coz I don't want to know, in fact dalam hati ni berkata "alaahh makcik, naper lah makcik mesti tanya saya soalan macam ni malam2 ni"!! lol. But then again i was curious so i thot i'll just ask her some other day abt it during the daytime when i'm feeling "brave" again..hehe. After ngaji lessons ended that nite, i was surprised when i turn around and f0und my tv set was switched off, I told makcik "eh bila pulak tv ni tertutup". Makcik replied "a'ah time kau tgh ngaji tv tu tertutup sendiri tapi cik buat bodoh je lah". My pengecot-ness pon makin menjadi lah.. i tried to switch it on again but couldn't. Felt a bit relieved thinking aiyah tv rosak rupernyer..felt silly for letting my imagination run wild. but still rasa seram tu ada lah cikit2..hehe. Felt a bit sad coz tv tu baru je beli when we got married, nak kata lagi baru gak kan..dah rosak plak suddenly. Hubby and me agreed we'll send it for repair soon. but abt 10-15mins later when we tried to switch on the tv again, voila! it works this time. we thot the tv might go dead on us again after a while coz pat dalam tu dah "blow" ke apa ntah..but it didn't. for the next few days the tv was working perfectly fine also.

Till last nite. I had my ngaji lesson again. As usual my tv set was on, hubby wasn't feeling well and was resting in the room. I lowered the tv volume in the living room (altho still softly audible) and went into the room to revise what i was taught last week while waiting for makcik to arrive. Then it happen again, the tv set got switched off again. Altho i was in the room, i know the tv set went off coz suddenly it was so quiet outside and hubby noticed it and asked me..i just told him yup tv spoiled again. I continued revising...till i realised it was already 9plus makcik lom sampai2 lagik. so i called her hp and found out she had some last minute urgent matter to attend to and couldn't make it to come over yesterday nite. so after revising and telling hubby makcik can't make it tonite, i went to keep the Muqaddam...and guess what, the tv then got switched on by itself again! hubby was surprised, while me just pretended not to be affected by it..lol. hubby then watched his dvd for the next 2 hrs or so and the tv set was working perfectly fine. Seems like it only gets switched off when i mengaji...told myself besok pagi i must call up makcik and find out more abt wat she heard last fri and also tell her abt wat happened, mana lah tahu takut ada "apa"2 lagi pat rumah macam sikit masa dulu.

So this morning i called makcik up as planned. Told her abt wat happened and ask her wat is it that she heard last fri while tgh ajar me ngaji that made her ask me if i heard anything. She told me while dia tgh mengajar last fri, ada suara sambut bacaan dia. tats why she wanted to know if i heard it as well. but i didn't (thank God!). But she told me nothing to worry abt, coz whatever that was, its a good "thing" and probably suka dengar kita mengaji. maybe that explains why the tv got switched off twice while i was mengaji-ing?

Here's another pic of si bacin tgh "bersalaman" with me, taken last nite..hehehe

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5:40 AM

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Here's presenting my kitty...aka Husky/chappee. As u can see, he's not from any fancy breeds, just the neighbourhood local cat. hidong dia pon comot sikit tu..hehe..but in our eyes, he's special in his own way...hehe. an extremely gentle giant. imagine something so adorable having to suffer a seizure :( poor baby...i hope he doesn't have to go thru that horrible episode again. more pics to come in my upcoming entries *mentang2 lah dah pandai upload gambau* hehee

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6:20 AM

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The weekend had been quite eventful for me both in a positive and negative way. Finally brought husky to the vet on Saturday. The vet did some blood tests on him but the results didn't help much in determining the cause of the seizures that husky had recently. Vet said to monitor him again and if he has a seizure again *hopefully not*, an ultrascan or mri will be necessary. was also given an empty small bottle to take a sample of his urine for further testing. Pikiran jugak seh camne nak amik sample of the cat's pee?? not an easy task. macam nak demam jugak when the cashier showed me the bill at the end of the visit to the vet.. but i guess having a pet means lifetime commitment kan? sama jugak macam jaga baby...hehe..and the joy and love a pet can give is something money can't buy. husky has been a well behaved and extremely gentle cat..and husky really impressed me by how quiet he was when the vet draw his blood twice, till the vet's assistant told him "u are really a good boy u know"..as for me, i feel like a proud "mommy" each time someone says husky is well behaved or a good boy. *perasan pulak* hehehe.

waited for hubby to finish work and off we went for the ewah2 bbq at nite. .it was my first time attending the ewah2 gathering. must say i felt quite nervous and excited at the same time. As tho to add to the excitement, hujan lebat plak on the way there. Reached ecp's carpark d1 ard 11.05pm, hubby quickly took out the umbrella and we started walking and searching where the ewah2 members were taking shelter. kilat sabung menyabung, was quite scary walking in the open like that, hurried our footsteps to the nearest shelter, hubby terpijak my foot plak on the way...grrrrr....as soon as we approached the nearest shelter, saw familiar faces ...hehehe...so happy to be able to meet the gang, whom all these while i had only seen their pics in their blogs. except for Ros, the rest were my first time meeting them. I was feeling shy...lidah kelu seribu bahasa..just exchanged the usual hellos and "hi"s...and was greeted by a warm hug by ros...hehe..*love u sista* U really crack me up sis and thanks for the warm welcome. So does koocchy, she looked so cute sitting there rocking from side to side with hands in her sweater while waiting for the rain to subside..hehehe
mintak maap if i'm rather quiet, i really am shy and clumsy sort..and not that good or should i say sucks in making ice-breaker conversations...thanks everyone for the warm welcome :) too bad didn't get to meet the others who had left earlier coz we reach there quite late, tunggu hubby abis keje dahhh...left ecp ard 1am..

To sis Ros if u are reading this entry, i just wanna say thanks so much for being there for me whenever i was down (and up as well). She's been like a mentor to me. Thanks for your frendship dear Ros :) Too bad gambar pelok2 kita yg ter-over tu bleh hilang plak *sob, sob*. Jgn lupa next time jumpa mesti pose maut tau..kakakakah.

Woke up on sunday morning feeling rejuvenated. Hubby was still asleep, and since he was going to do niteshift that day, i thot let's make good use of the time we had before he leaves for work...planned to date him out, looked thru the papers and check out for any nice movies that we could watch together. remembered few days back hubby suggested we watch House of Wax but it was at nite then, me being pengecot, i told him tak nak lah nanti balik rumah i can't sleep after that. but since now lagi siang terang benderang kan, i thot why not. Woke hubby up and told him lets go have breakfast together first. Blom sempat bilang my hubby abt the plans i had in mind for the day, my hp rang. It was my FIL. he asked to speak to hubby, i know wat he wanted. and next moment both father and son quarreling over the phone again *sigh* really spoiled my mood. We met FIL soon after that together with hubby, hubby tried talking things out with him, but he snapped at hubby and hubby end up snapped at him also. I had enuff already, its always abt the same old thing so i lost my temper at both of them :( sick and tired of all this lah...my whole day was ruined. felt really upset. needed someone to talk to, so i called mom and talked to her, i know its a bad idea to be talking abt wats happening between fil and hubby to my own mom, but i don't care already lah, really needed to hear her comforting voice. hoped hubby and his dad resolve watever issues they have with each other peacefully soon.

after hubby left for his niteshift, i went to mom's place as usual. but i felt lousy, due to wat happened earlier, i didn't get to spend quality time with hubby at all. I missed him yet when he called me from work, didn't feel like talking to him and shorten the conversation..sheesh, such a complicated being i am, don't even understand myself sometimes. Had difficulty sleeping again. nasib baik ada sis Ros to layan my sms-es again *hugggzzz*...hehehe...sampai batt hp dia flat dibuatnyer! cian dia..

its lunchtime already..better get something to eat...hujan2 ni peyot lapau.

4:20 AM

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Went to my parents house for a while last nite after work. Dad has a red bump on his head and a small cut on his nose. Citycab (the taxi which my dad was in) is planning to sue the other taxi (SMRT). Dad seemed his usual self yesterday, asked him if he felt pain, he said no. Tapi ntah lah kalau dia bedek, kalau sakit pon mesti dia tak cakap selagi dia boleh tahan. Then today mom told me dad said paler dia sakit today and went back to see doctor. So as i'm typing this entry, my dad still at the doctors's. hopefully nothing serious. sejak kebelakangan ni, macam2 hal berlaku. one after another. Macam dialogue citer P Ramlee *cobaaan*....sempat saya buat lawak bodoh eh. tapi muka serious ni.

Semalam balik from my parents house, was surprised to see my FIL waiting for us bawah blok. Baru lah my hubby said he forgot to tell me that FIL was coming to overnite at our place. Bleh gitu? But anyway it was nice having him around at our place, at least the house seems less quiet and nampak "penuh" sikit..penuh sikit je lah, tak banyak. kalau boleh nak kasi penuh lagi, tapi kita hanya merancang Tuhan menentukan. FIL left our place this morning. Me felt too tired, so amik time off this morning. Complete watever chores i need to do in the morning, sempat took a short nap for abt half an hour, the feeling was so syiok dapat tido for additional half hour before waking up and getting ready to go work..

Hmmm..dunno wat else to write abt, so i shall stop here for now. peyot lapau plak padahal tadi lunch dah makan kfc.

6:36 AM

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Mata mengantuk pulak lepas makan ni...ditambah pulak ngan cuaca sejuk begini, how to work like that? *excuses, excuses* So here i am, just sitting here enclosed in my cubicle, staring at the stuff on my desk, the "decorations" on my cubicle. and as usual, my eyes would rest a little longer on this particular photo on my desk. picture of hubby and me on the day we became husband and wife. realised dah berhabuk plak gambar tu, so i just rubbed off the dust with my fingers *tissue dah abis*. sometimes i just glance at the photo without much thoughts, at other times, i let myself reminiscise *betul ke spelling ni* abt that special day in my life. Diam tak diam, dah 3 tahun lebih hidup sebagai suami isteri...Yet i know i still have a lot to learn and improve as a wife. I hope some day I'll get the chance to experience motherhood. Although in the early days, i used to get emotional and disappointed when i found out i'm still not pregnant yet month after month, but now i think and look back at all that has happened, I guess Allah swt knows wats best for us. I'm no longer obsessed abt it, but i will remain hopeful.

Mom just called, said that dad just called her and said the taxi he was in was involved in an accident. But he told mom not to worry, and that he was ok. Mom thinking that dad might not be telling the truth to avoid her from worrying, suggested i call dad to find out if he's really ok. Dad sure sounded ok, he told me not to worry and that he's waiting for the ambulance to arrive coz the taxi driver was injured. But he said he's ok and not injured. *ntah leh caya ke tak ni* But nevermind shall wait for him to call mom again later. Geram tol ah ngan these taxi drivers!!

7:36 AM

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

this morning didn't feel like coming to work again..penat banget sih. besides the sound of my alarm clock ringing, si tucen bacin (me cat husky aka chappee/ocot/pakcik/bulat n oth nonsensical names) also gave us a wake up call. By mengais bawah pintu bilik asking us to let him in, btw that can be quite creepy if he decides to do that in the middle of the nite...after sleepily opening the room door to let him in, i thot ok lets just shut my eyes just for a few more mins..and the next moment i open my eyes, there chappee was smack right in front of my face. lol..anjat boboi. and the next moment i heard hubby grumbling coz chappeee also nibbled his tumit kaki..hahaha. me already learnt my lesson much earlier so i kept my toes and feet covered under the blanket.

Despite all the turmoils i'm facing, i guess i should be happy for the small little things, coz this small little things means a lot to me. Sometimes i'm too caught up with major issues, i overlooked these things easily. *smacks forehead* Like what my mom told me, "kau ni pandai advise aku to think positive" just before she went for surgery but didn't apply it to myself..What lah dey! Shouldn't dwell on things too much and be optimistic...oh look who's talking. is that really me that just said all that? lol.

3:55 AM

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Nak dengar satu citer sedih tak? was feeling hungry due to the cold weather, made a cup of hot tea. then opened my drawer beaming away as i saw that packet of biskot marie in it. tunggu apa lagi kan...saya pon cecah lah biskot tu into my hot tea and..ngap!! but disaster struck, quarter way into my mission of nak abiskan biskot2 tu sumer, all the biskot decided to jatuh bertempiaran on the floor. so there goes my biskot and my breakfast. felt so pathetic as i pick up the biskot one by one. now i have to wait till lunchtime to cure these hunger pangs....which is like abt 2 hrs plus away!! *rubs tummy*

Feel so sien, got yet another notes of meeting to transcribe. just dread doing minutes. the thot of doing it already making me macam nak tertido ni. how to do work like that? wat? kalau ngantuk tak payah buat? ok best. *ok enuff of dreaming already, wake up!*

2:05 AM

Thursday, May 05, 2005

I'm finally back at work today. Was on mc yesterday. Alhamdulilah mom's surgery went smoothly. Thanks for the well-wishes and doa :) She is recuperating at home now and dad has taken leave for 3 weeks to take care of mom and help out with the chores at home. So sweet rite? :) This incident makes me realise how much in love my parents are still with each other and how much they need each other. They held hands, seen dad whispering comforting words to mom when she was in pain and feeling down, reassuring her etc. Its just so touching. True love indeed.

But sadly i'm having so much turmoils in my own personal life now. Feeling so stressed out. Everything just looks gloomy now. Feel angry, frustrated, sad, disappointed, torn, everything lah all roll into one. Feel like i'm close to suffering from a breakdown if i don't learn to relax. Just feel so blue and wish i could have someone here with me now to just give me a pat on this bony shoulders of mine and tell me everything will be ok. *sigh*

3:44 AM

The Lady

A simple lady
Adore Cats

Email me @ Hotmail

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The Past...

[goback] March 2005
[goback] April 2005
[goback] May 2005
[goback] June 2005
[goback] July 2005
[goback] August 2005
[goback] September 2005
[goback] October 2005
[goback] November 2005
[goback] December 2005
[goback] January 2006
[goback] February 2006
[goback] March 2006
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[goback] October 2006
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